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The Masseuse

The Masseuse

Fiction by Jordan Black | I sat in my small office studying a chess puzzle on my phone, waiting for Rob Gullickson, who was several minutes late. When he came in, he had a bounce to his walk, a smile, a far off look in his glimmering eyes, all as though he was dramatically enthused about something well beyond what we were about to discuss. He was fat, tan, looked well-rested from his three weeks in our office in Uruguay.

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Cold Duck

Cold Duck

Fiction by Panurge | Ahh, Frances! I remember our honeymoon. Here, on the floor of another hotel room, I recall the beginning of our marriage – the disgrace that was our union. Rolling around on the plush carpet of the – I must say profoundly clean – hotel room floor, I remember it all!

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Fiction by Ryan Gillam | I got into a fight with my friend Trevor that day. We were eleven. I can’t remember the reason for the fight

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The Dog That Turns the Wheel

The Dog That Turns the Wheel

Fiction by Leo Vladimirsky | The Puppy Love clinic on Prospect Park West sat between a chain coffee shop and one of those nostalgia studios where people went to make apps the old-fashioned way.  As Madison crossed the street, she noticed that the sign above the door was flickering with cubic artifacts, words flipping every few seconds

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Trigger Smith

Trigger Smith

Fiction by Br0dysseus | His phone distilled the day’s events: crown moldings, placards for Maulbertsch, hazy steins of beer. The last picture showed him and Cullen. They were seated in a velour booth, faces jaundiced by a bromidic candelabra. Terry wore an azure turtleneck, Cullen—an oxford button-down

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Pulp fiction by Stanley Arthur | The Pacific night draped itself in a cloak of mystery as Private Jack “Havoc” Donovan prowled the shadowy recesses of the small island where he was stationed. The Island was home to a classified nuclear missile launch facility where the personnel had been handpicked based on an unknown criteria

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The Children of the Bull

The Children of the Bull

Pulp Fiction by Sean Shaffer | A lone traveler was following a narrow mountain path, gray mountains with heads of white looming over a solitary man approaching their feet, as if to show him the futility of his quest. Many who saw the traveler would have described him as the ideal son of Rome, fair-skinned, turned golden from the sun; dark haired, and with a patrician face, as if some carven statue had been given life

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The Death of the Would-be Author

The Death of the Would-be Author

Fiction by Simon Rowat | “Delivery for Mr O’Brien.” “Yeah? I wasn’t expecting anything.” His eyes fall on the large cardboard box in my hands and his face contorts in confusion. I can’t stop myself from saying, rather ominously, “No — you weren’t, were you.”

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The Angel and the Dragon

The Angel and the Dragon

Pulp Fiction by Galaaus | Drakon stood and wrapped an arm around Alexei as he used to, with tenderness, and laid him on the altar. The pyre had been lit and the stars exploded. The twelve surrounded the table, their knives drawn

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How To Lose Your Religion

How To Lose Your Religion

Novel excerpt by Stephen Paul Foster | I was fourteen years old and with my father, who at the time was a lay minister and social worker. He was on one of his summer missionary trips to Latin America supported by our church denomination. A sincere, devout, and humble Christian, he was without a devious or unkind bone in his gentle body

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Man’s World in Print

MAN’S WORLD is now available, for the very first time, as a high-quality printed magazine. Across 200 glorious pages, you’ll find everything that made the digital magazine the sensation that it was – the best essays, the most brilliant new fiction, interviews, art, food, sex, fitness – and so much more.

Man’s World in Print

MAN’S WORLD is now available, for the very first time, as a high-quality printed magazine. Across 200 glorious pages, you’ll find everything that made the digital magazine the sensation that it was – the best essays, the most brilliant new fiction, interviews, art, food, sex, fitness – and so much more.

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