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The Dog That Turns the Wheel

The Dog That Turns the Wheel

Fiction by Leo Vladimirsky | The Puppy Love clinic on Prospect Park West sat between a chain coffee shop and one of those nostalgia studios where people went to make apps the old-fashioned way.  As Madison crossed the street, she noticed that the sign above the door was flickering with cubic artifacts, words flipping every few seconds

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Trigger Smith

Trigger Smith

Fiction by Br0dysseus | His phone distilled the day’s events: crown moldings, placards for Maulbertsch, hazy steins of beer. The last picture showed him and Cullen. They were seated in a velour booth, faces jaundiced by a bromidic candelabra. Terry wore an azure turtleneck, Cullen—an oxford button-down

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Big Pimp in the Sky

Big Pimp in the Sky

Fiction by Jeremiah Suit | “But Daddy, since the sickness, nobody care about money no more. Bitches gettin’ jacked for they socks and hand sanitizer,” Candy said, emphatically, trying her damnedest to sound small and afraid

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Pointless Money

Pointless Money

Fiction by Miles McNaughton | I yanked the seatbelt over his neck and pinned the gun to his leg. It went off, going straight through the driver’s seat. Julian yelled, going first for his ears, and then for his chest. The Mexican was throwing himself back and forth to turn around. His gun was in his hand…

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The Weary Gambler

The Weary Gambler

Fiction by Elmore Collins | We were tired. So tired. It’s hard to tell you how tired we were. Things weren’t that bad until our second was born. A little boy with a cleft lip

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Spectator Sport

Spectator Sport

Fiction by Oren | I, Chris Dawson, live alone, ensnared by malevolent forces, harassed by petty authorities, my tenuous asylum maimed by the wounds of prejudice and perjury

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Hell Isn’t Other People—It’s You!

Hell Isn’t Other People—It’s You!

Book Extract by Simon Rowat | In the novel’s tense opening chapter, a family is torn apart by some particularly odd goings on in the night

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Pools of Light

Pools of Light

Fiction by Stuart Ross | “Look at this light,” we say, as we walk the walled-in Vatican, and history agrees the pooling of light at the Vatican is rich, magnificent, just superb. We walk for hours among the priceless masterpieces, until we’re finally in the Sistine Chapel.

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The Final Day of the Conference

The Final Day of the Conference

Fiction by Elmore Collins | Idiot-speak, I think, looking around the room at the sea of fools who are lapping it up. Not one word of substance, only platitudes, meaningless drivel

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Stay Safe (Chapter Two)

Stay Safe (Chapter Two)

Fiction by Michael LaCoy | In chapter two of Michael Lacoy’s new book, woke academic Cole Perrot meets his new next-door neighbor, the red-meat-eating lady-magnet Tyce Creamer, and Cole’s progressive worldview is sorely tested.

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Man’s World in Print

MAN’S WORLD is now available, for the very first time, as a high-quality printed magazine. Across 200 glorious pages, you’ll find everything that made the digital magazine the sensation that it was – the best essays, the most brilliant new fiction, interviews, art, food, sex, fitness – and so much more.

Man’s World in Print

MAN’S WORLD is now available, for the very first time, as a high-quality printed magazine. Across 200 glorious pages, you’ll find everything that made the digital magazine the sensation that it was – the best essays, the most brilliant new fiction, interviews, art, food, sex, fitness – and so much more.

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