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Give Up the Ghost

Give Up the Ghost, III

Give Up the Ghost, III

Fiction by PCM Christ | Boss threw him the keys, and A.R. hoofed the quarter mile, grabbed the rifles and hurried back. When he arrived, the deputies were returning from the now still and quiet woods, dragging Loftis back, his innards trailing slowly behind him, sticking for a moment on a vine of thorns, no one in the state of mind to pick them up and put them back

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Give Up the Ghost, II

Give Up the Ghost, II

Fiction by PCM Christ | The next morning, they took their breakfast on the back deck. A breeze lilted through, bringing the coolness of the night still nestled around the mountain top in dew and rising mist

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Give Up the Ghost

Give Up the Ghost

Fiction by PCM Christ | They all stood there with tears of perspiration pouring down their faces, while the preacher dotted the corners of his mouth and then his forehead like preacher men do and he said that the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away and to everything there is a season, and Ausby was gone but she lived on in memories and legacy and she’d be seen again someday when we meet on that Heavenly shore. Amen

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Man’s World in Print

MAN’S WORLD is now available, for the very first time, as a high-quality printed magazine. Across 200 glorious pages, you’ll find everything that made the digital magazine the sensation that it was – the best essays, the most brilliant new fiction, interviews, art, food, sex, fitness – and so much more.

Man’s World in Print

MAN’S WORLD is now available, for the very first time, as a high-quality printed magazine. Across 200 glorious pages, you’ll find everything that made the digital magazine the sensation that it was – the best essays, the most brilliant new fiction, interviews, art, food, sex, fitness – and so much more.

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