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The Case for Misogyny

The Case for Misogyny

Essay by Nick Wilbur | Women hate men. Everywhere you look, from Politico to Daily Mail, from X bots to Instagram influencers, unabashed misandry is the modern feminist’s rallying cry

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The Rise of American Populism: An Extract

The Rise of American Populism: An Extract

Book Extract by Chase Geiser | It is the very idea of America that the leftists are most afraid of, and that is why they are desperately doing everything possible to quarantine the people from who it is their destiny to become

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Dispatches from Inside the Classroom

Dispatches from Inside the Classroom

Essay by Georgia | The failure of schools is public knowledge at this point, regardless of whether or not the public chooses to acknowledge it

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The Anti-Human Death Cult

The Anti-Human Death Cult

Essay by T.J. Harker | Musk, despite his faults, reminds us that we can lift our gaze to the profound and enduring mystery and be inspired. That we don’t have to live a small and meaningless life defined by a narrow focus on ourselves and our petty appetites

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The Weaponization of Words

The Weaponization of Words

Essay by Adam Johnston | The threat of heightened censorship hangs menacingly over Europe, Canada, Brazil, and even the United States

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Pools of Light

Pools of Light

Fiction by Stuart Ross | “Look at this light,” we say, as we walk the walled-in Vatican, and history agrees the pooling of light at the Vatican is rich, magnificent, just superb. We walk for hours among the priceless masterpieces, until we’re finally in the Sistine Chapel.

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The Conformist

The Conformist

Essay by J.W. Horan | The new conformity is not fascist. Perhaps things would be better if it were. Anything is better than conforming to the pious neuroses of weak, defective men like Bernardo Bertolucci

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The Final Day of the Conference

The Final Day of the Conference

Fiction by Elmore Collins | Idiot-speak, I think, looking around the room at the sea of fools who are lapping it up. Not one word of substance, only platitudes, meaningless drivel

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Only Men Can Man the Barricades, pt.1

Only Men Can Man the Barricades, pt.1

Essay by T.J. Harker | The West has become so inured to the idea that girls and women can and should do anything, that we simply take for granted that doing so will redound to their advantage. It hasn’t and it won’t

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Sumo: A Sport Against Time

Sumo: A Sport Against Time

Essay by Woland | Sumo cannot help being a lightning rod; it is too pure

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Man’s World in Print

MAN’S WORLD is now available, for the very first time, as a high-quality printed magazine. Across 200 glorious pages, you’ll find everything that made the digital magazine the sensation that it was – the best essays, the most brilliant new fiction, interviews, art, food, sex, fitness – and so much more.

Man’s World in Print

MAN’S WORLD is now available, for the very first time, as a high-quality printed magazine. Across 200 glorious pages, you’ll find everything that made the digital magazine the sensation that it was – the best essays, the most brilliant new fiction, interviews, art, food, sex, fitness – and so much more.

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Here at Man’s World, we’re always looking for new contributors to dazzle, inform and amuse our readership, which now stands in the hundreds of thousands. If you have an idea for an article, of any kind, or even a new section or regular feature, don’t hesitate to get in contact via the form below.

Generally, the word limit for articles is 3,000; although we will accept longer and (much) shorter articles where warranted. Take a look at the sections in this issue for guidance and inspiration.

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