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Make Them Cry “Uncle”

Make Them Cry “Uncle”

Essay by Arbogast | To the Greeks, wrestling, or πάλη, was the most popular and vital sport—the spectacle that turned men into immortal gods

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A Raven’s Journey: The Life and Times of Sam Houston

A Raven’s Journey: The Life and Times of Sam Houston

Essay by the Librarian of Celaeno | Sam Houston is justly famous as the founder of Texas, first as a republic, and then, after nearly a decade of independence, as a state in the Union

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Walden III

Walden III

Essay by Jay K. Chesterton | When not busy conducting research or teaching behaviorism and experimental psychology courses at Harvard, you could find B. F. Skinner tinkering. He invented lab recording devices, teaching machines, and even—during World War II—a nose-cone habitat that amounted to a pigeon-guided missile system

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The Plague of the Past

The Plague of the Past

Essay by Semmelweis | There’s a new 4K print of Pulp Fiction showing in the theaters. It’s one of my favorite films and has been ever since I first saw it in the theater in 1994

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Confessions of a Global Whistleblower

Confessions of a Global Whistleblower

Essay by Global Guru | To secure its position as a global hegemon and outpace China in the race for AI supremacy, the United States must invest in strengthening its intellectual, industrial, and research capabilities. Success demands more than importing a handful of elite foreign engineers: it requires building a robust, homegrown pipeline of skilled professionals to drive innovation and sustain long-term competitiveness

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Our Monkey’s Paw

Our Monkey’s Paw

Essay by Georgia | There is an age-old warning to be careful what you wish for. That advice has inspired a myriad of literary works. An archetype of this theme is “The Monkey’s Paw,” written in 1902 by W.W. Jacobs

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The Savage Art of Gouging

The Savage Art of Gouging

Essay by Raw Egg Nationalist | For ordinary folk, the savage violence they were prepared to unleash on one another was, in a very obvious sense, simply a reflection of the broader violence and hardship of daily life, especially on the frontier. Life in the backwoods usually meant poverty, certainly in monetary terms

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Soviet Psychiatry and Transgenderism

Soviet Psychiatry and Transgenderism

Essay by Tailgunner Joe | The fusing of mental healthcare and elite power has a long history. In the Soviet Union, as a way to isolate and eventually purge regime enemies, psychologists and other mental health professionals would be tasked by the state to “cure” supposedly deranged individuals

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Fully Automated Luxury Agonism

Fully Automated Luxury Agonism

Essay by Raw Egg Nationalist | In a future agonal state, we might expect to see emerge men whose cruelty and thirst for vengeance and self-exaltation will outstrip any Miltiades of the past, and perhaps even the greatest despots of history so far. Their campaigns of annihilation will stretch across the planet, the solar system, and maybe even beyond

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Art Boys

Art Boys

Essay by Jenny Holland | The humble sacrifices of ordinary man have been written out of history, along with the male’s enormous tenderness towards his female counterparts

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Man’s World in Print

MAN’S WORLD is now available, for the very first time, as a high-quality printed magazine. Across 200 glorious pages, you’ll find everything that made the digital magazine the sensation that it was – the best essays, the most brilliant new fiction, interviews, art, food, sex, fitness – and so much more.

Man’s World in Print

MAN’S WORLD is now available, for the very first time, as a high-quality printed magazine. Across 200 glorious pages, you’ll find everything that made the digital magazine the sensation that it was – the best essays, the most brilliant new fiction, interviews, art, food, sex, fitness – and so much more.

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Generally, the word limit for articles is 3,000; although we will accept longer and (much) shorter articles where warranted. Take a look at the sections in this issue for guidance and inspiration.

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