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Gender? I Hardly Know ‘Er

Gender? I Hardly Know ‘Er

Essay by Jonah Howell | The Man’s World and Raw Egg Journal audience is largely educated, whether by themselves or an institution, and will thus..

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Give Up the Ghost

Give Up the Ghost

Fiction by PCM Christ | The morning of the service sweltered. Georgia hot wraps you in a blanket. Whether that’s a comfort or some of..

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1200 630
Night Places

Night Places

Fiction by Charls Carroll | I was sliding in and out of her on the first class long ticket the deepness of it the steepness..

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1200 630
Divine Hellscape

Divine Hellscape

Fiction by Frederick Pace | As soon as Maggie enters the Disco Temple, she decides against depositing her baby down the plastic joy slide. The..

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1200 630
Built Not Bought

Built Not Bought

Essay by American Savage | We’re able to see with our own eyes the planned efforts to make us submit to a global tyranny where..

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1200 630
Did George V Betray His Cousin the Tsar?

Did George V Betray His Cousin the Tsar?

Essay by Richard Poe | In his 1923 memoir, Sir George Buchanan, who was British ambassador to Russia from 1910 to 1918, devoted sixteen pages..

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The Soldier’s Faith

The Soldier’s Faith

Essay by Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. | Any day in Washington Street, when the throng is greatest and busiest, you may see a blind man playing a..

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1200 630
Giving Up Is The Only Way We Can Lose

Giving Up Is The Only Way We Can Lose

Essay by Astral | It’s about time we – or some of us, anyway – made a brief assessment of where we are and where we..

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1200 630
The Time Is Not Ripe

The Time Is Not Ripe

Essay by David Herod | In what is currently a two-part series in MAN’S WORLD Magazine, writer Aeneas Tacticus Minor has put forward a bold..

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1200 630
El Movimiento Populista Nunca Sucedió

El Movimiento Populista Nunca Sucedió

Essay by Bronze Age Pervert | La elección de este año en la Argentina ha elevado a Javier Milei al estrellato internacional. Sus presentaciones casi teatrales..

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1200 630

Man’s World in Print

MAN’S WORLD is now available, for the very first time, as a high-quality printed magazine. Across 200 glorious pages, you’ll find everything that made the digital magazine the sensation that it was – the best essays, the most brilliant new fiction, interviews, art, food, sex, fitness – and so much more.

Man’s World in Print

MAN’S WORLD is now available, for the very first time, as a high-quality printed magazine. Across 200 glorious pages, you’ll find everything that made the digital magazine the sensation that it was – the best essays, the most brilliant new fiction, interviews, art, food, sex, fitness – and so much more.

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Here at Man’s World, we’re always looking for new contributors to dazzle, inform and amuse our readership, which now stands in the hundreds of thousands. If you have an idea for an article, of any kind, or even a new section or regular feature, don’t hesitate to get in contact via the form below.

Generally, the word limit for articles is 3,000; although we will accept longer and (much) shorter articles where warranted. Take a look at the sections in this issue for guidance and inspiration.

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