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Restriction of Immigration (1896)

Restriction of Immigration (1896)

Classic essay by Francis Amasa Walker | No nation in human history ever undertook to deal with such masses of alien population

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1200 630
Dionysus versus Apollo: HL Mencken on Nietzsche

Dionysus versus Apollo: HL Mencken on Nietzsche

Book Extract from H.L. Mencken | As a philologist, Nietzsche’s interest, very naturally, was fixed upon the literature of Greece and Rome, and so it was but natural that his first tests of Schopenhauer’s doctrines should be made in that field

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1200 630
On the Pathos of Truth

On the Pathos of Truth

Classic Essay by Friedrich Nietzsche | Oh, the fatal curiosity of the philosopher, who longs, just once, to peer out and down through a crack in the chamber of consciousness

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1200 630
Conradically: Ocean Travel

Conradically: Ocean Travel

Essay by Joseph Conrad | a marvellous achievement is not necessarily interesting. It may render life more tame than perhaps it should be

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1200 630
The Greek State

The Greek State

Essay by Friedrich Nietzsche | The Greeks voice their opinion that work is a disgrace with shocking openness

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1200 630
Conradically: Geography and Some Explorers

Conradically: Geography and Some Explorers

Essay by Joseph Conrad | The sea has been for me a hallowed ground, thanks to those books of travel and discovery which have peopled it with unforgettable shades of the masters in the calling which, in a humble way, was to be mine

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1200 630
The Soldier’s Faith

The Soldier’s Faith

Essay by Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. | Any day in Washington Street, when the throng is greatest and busiest, you may see a blind man playing a..

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1200 630
Surfing: A Royal Sport

Surfing: A Royal Sport

Essay by Jack London | That is what it is, a royal sport for the natural kings of earth. The grass grows right down to..

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1200 630
Tradition and the Individual Talent

Tradition and the Individual Talent

Essay by T.S. Eliot | In English writing we seldom speak of tradition, though we occasionally apply its name in deploring its absence. We cannot..

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1200 630
Romanticism and Classicism

Romanticism and Classicism

Essay by T.E. Hulme | I want to maintain that after a hundred years of romanticism, we are in for a classical revival, and that..

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1200 630
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