If You’re a White American with Less than Two Kids, You’re Racist
Essay by Malcolm Collins | We need a better answer to demographic decline than sucking the blood of other nations
read moreEssay by Malcolm Collins | We need a better answer to demographic decline than sucking the blood of other nations
read moreEssay by Nazar Taras | How quickly can violence – revolutionary, criminal or otherwise – cripple a city? Detroit is our Exhibit A
read moreEssay by Marcus Little | Marcus Little walks the city of Austin, Texas from end to end and sees what he can find
read moreEssay by Billy Pratt | It’s hard not to reach the conclusion that Vince McMahon developed a full-blown cuckold fantasy, with his wrestlers doing the dirty work he always wanted to—but never could
read moreEssay by Melquiades | The American Empire is soon to die, but do not mourn it, for with its death comes a chance for the rebirth of the American Nation
read moreClassic Essay by Oswald Spengler | Nietzsche’s work is not a part of our past to be enjoyed; it is a task that makes servants of us all
read moreEssay by Lunkhead | America awaits her king. But are her sons up to the task?
read moreEssay by Raw Egg Nationalist | There are people out there who want to ruin your life. They’re watching you. And if you’re not careful they will ruin your life
read moreEssay by Cost of Glory | Sh*t happens, and when it does, it’s good to be a man about it. Here’s a lesson from the Spartans on how to do it.
read moreEssay by Errol Tostigson | How is it then that we who cannot prosper under the authority of any other man, but who have little to no power of our own, may find a suitable life in this world?
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