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Issue X

Duelling: How the Aristos Settled Their Differences

Duelling: How the Aristos Settled Their Differences

Essay by Anthony Bavaria | Imagine it: You just shot someone directly through the heart with a pistol. The police arrive to the sight of..

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1200 630
Gender? I Hardly Know ‘Er

Gender? I Hardly Know ‘Er

Essay by Jonah Howell | The Man’s World and Raw Egg Journal audience is largely educated, whether by themselves or an institution, and will thus..

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1200 630
Give Up the Ghost

Give Up the Ghost

Fiction by PCM Christ | The morning of the service sweltered. Georgia hot wraps you in a blanket. Whether that’s a comfort or some of..

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1200 630
Night Places

Night Places

Fiction by Charls Carroll | I was sliding in and out of her on the first class long ticket the deepness of it the steepness..

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1200 630
Seven Riders

Seven Riders

Translation by Jean Raspail | Seven riders left the city at dusk, toward the setting sun. They left through the west gate, which was no..

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1200 630
The Eye of the Beholder

The Eye of the Beholder

Essay by Med Gold | Yesterday I was pretending to listen to a girl speak and I couldn’t stop noticing the curvature of her upper..

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1200 630
Gnosticism Schnosticism

Gnosticism Schnosticism

Essay by Gonzo | Anyone reading this knows that a leftist spouting off about fascism can always be safely ignored. The same has become..

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1200 630
Cold Water, Thirsty Souls

Cold Water, Thirsty Souls

Fiction by Gladiator | “Feel God’s love! Die of thirst as repenting atonement and be saved! Accept His punishments as your absolution! His judgment..

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1200 630
The Longhouse Delusion

The Longhouse Delusion

Essay by Raw Egg Nationalist | Strike while the iron is hot. I have no idea where this proverb first originated, but its wisdom is clear..

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1200 630


Essay by Conan Esq. | In the century since Robert E. Howard’s first published Conan story, the Cimmerian has claimed a thread in the tapestry..

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1200 630
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MAN’S WORLD is now available, for the very first time, as a high-quality printed magazine. Across 200 glorious pages, you’ll find everything that made the digital magazine the sensation that it was – the best essays, the most brilliant new fiction, interviews, art, food, sex, fitness – and so much more.

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