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A Memorandum to President Barron Trump, Feb 1 2045

A Memorandum to President Barron Trump, Feb 1 2045

Essay by John A. Bellicus | I think the time is arrived for a President to wield monarchical power. Perhaps it is already too late. Regardless, it is your duty to try

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1200 630
The Origin of Morality

The Origin of Morality

Book extract by H.L. Mencken | An idea which arises from a true and healthy instinct may survive long after this instinct itself, in consequence of the changing conditions of existence, has disappeared and given place to an instinct diametrically opposite

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1200 630
Mr Roberts

Mr Roberts

Essay by Frederick Burnaby | Lieutenant Roberts protects his friends from petty tyranny the best he can, and keeps their hope alive that things can be better

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1200 630
Slay Queen

Slay Queen

Fiction by Zero HP Lovecraft | He started calling himself Candace – Candy, actually – but it was short for Candace. Only on the internet, at first. In real life his name was Stuart

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1200 630
The Overcoat

The Overcoat

Essay by J.W. Horan | Gogol’s incisive wit and innovative prose developed not in spite of his abject feebleness, but precisely because of it

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1200 630
The Case for Misogyny

The Case for Misogyny

Essay by Nick Wilbur | Women hate men. Everywhere you look, from Politico to Daily Mail, from X bots to Instagram influencers, unabashed misandry is the modern feminist’s rallying cry

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1200 630
The Rise of American Populism: An Extract

The Rise of American Populism: An Extract

Book Extract by Chase Geiser | It is the very idea of America that the leftists are most afraid of, and that is why they are desperately doing everything possible to quarantine the people from who it is their destiny to become

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1200 630
Dispatches from Inside the Classroom

Dispatches from Inside the Classroom

Essay by Georgia | The failure of schools is public knowledge at this point, regardless of whether or not the public chooses to acknowledge it

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1200 630
The Anti-Human Death Cult

The Anti-Human Death Cult

Essay by T.J. Harker | Musk, despite his faults, reminds us that we can lift our gaze to the profound and enduring mystery and be inspired. That we don’t have to live a small and meaningless life defined by a narrow focus on ourselves and our petty appetites

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1200 630
The Weaponization of Words

The Weaponization of Words

Essay by Adam Johnston | The threat of heightened censorship hangs menacingly over Europe, Canada, Brazil, and even the United States

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1200 630

Man’s World in Print

MAN’S WORLD is now available, for the very first time, as a high-quality printed magazine. Across 200 glorious pages, you’ll find everything that made the digital magazine the sensation that it was – the best essays, the most brilliant new fiction, interviews, art, food, sex, fitness – and so much more.

Man’s World in Print

MAN’S WORLD is now available, for the very first time, as a high-quality printed magazine. Across 200 glorious pages, you’ll find everything that made the digital magazine the sensation that it was – the best essays, the most brilliant new fiction, interviews, art, food, sex, fitness – and so much more.

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