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In Conversation with Sean Stone

Noor Bin Ladin

In Conversation with Sean Stone

As with many introductions today, Sean Stone and I first came into contact via X, formerly known as Twitter. My dear friend Richard Poe, who I previously interviewed for MAN’S WORLD, had shared a post recommending Sean’s book New World Order: A Strategy of Imperialism. Immediately struck by its cover and the angle of the subject matter, I looked into Sean’s work further and reached out to him. I was curious to learn more about his research, and of course, thought a conversation with him would make for a great MAN’S WORLD interview.

Kindness, grace and open-mindedness are some of the qualities Sean exhibited during our exchanges. It was a pleasure to speak with him. He’s a man of many talents and varied interests.

I hope you will enjoy reading our interview as much as I appreciated doing it.


Sean, it’s a pleasure to interview you for MAN’S WORLD. For readers finding out about you for the first time, can you introduce yourself in a few words?

Sure. I’m a filmmaker, a speaker, a media host, and an author. Above all, I’m a truth-seeker who has spent decades researching the real stories hidden behind what we’ve been told. This quest for the truth spurred my spiritual journey, which I also embarked on at a young age.


Your work is incredibly varied, both in medium and subjects. Let’s start by discussing your research exposing the Deep State or cabal. Do you remember when you first became aware of the nefarious actions of the elite running our world?

It was around the time my dad was making the film JFK, as he was researching a conspiracy. I remember asking him, “If these people are powerful enough to kill the president, can’t they kill us?” My dad actually used that. I played Jim Garrison’s son in the film, and I actually say that line in the movie, but that came from me genuinely asking my dad that question. So I would say I first realized there’s that kind of a power around the 1990/91 time period, when I was just like five, six years old. For sure by seven years old when I saw JFK as a finished film.


JFK was a turning point or a red pill for many people. The establishment tried to cancel your father before “cancel culture” was part of our vernacular. How much did the aftermath of that movie’s release participate in your awakening to the reality that the media is controlled?

That realisation came later since I was only seven at the time and so didn’t pay attention to all the onslaught of negativity against the film. But I remember sitting through the film at that age being mesmerised by it. So if even a seven year old can be mesmerised by it, it was undoubtedly very impactful for adults. And as we know, that threatened the Establishment. My dad ended up going to Congress and testifying to push for the opening of the government’s files on the assassination. I looked into all that in my teenage years when I studied the film again. Looking at the press’ reaction, the negativity, the fact that an early draft of the script was leaked, and that the major media outlets were already attacking the film before it was even finished and released, tells you what an effort went intro trying to censor my father, labelling him as a crazy conspiracy theorist.


How did he handle it?

I know he channeled a lot of his anger at the media into Natural Born Killers. And he was always very clear in his interviews that so much of that film was an FU to the media’s portrayal of reality. The film was portraying the media’s infatuation with serial killers, and obviously it was extreme. But really, what my dad was saying is that we’re in a culture where media has too much power, too much influence. There’s a quote in the film about the media being like the weather, man-made weather. So that film was very much, I think, my father’s answer to the media after JFK.


Unsurprisingly, your father’s inquisitive mind has played a role in your own search for the truth.

Yes, very much. Recognizing that there’s this tremendous power that operates beyond what the media tells you, beyond what the news cycle speaks about, came at a young age as I just mentioned. And then I embarked on a journey throughout my high school years, reading a lot and studying black ops and the dark side of American history. As a teenager I started reading books like William Blum’s Killing Hope and his other books about the CIA and the dark side of American foreign policy. And then 9/11 happened. I was 16. By the time I got to college in 2003, I was reading all the counter-narrative books, asking a lot of questions because the whole event just didn’t make sense. And so through college, I was studying even more about the dark side of American foreign policy, going down the drug traffic rabbit hole, for instance. I was really engrossed by the dark alliance story, the great Gary Webb research, and also Alfred McCoy talking about the US involvement with drug trafficking because that played into the Afghanistan War since the 80s when the US was first arming the Mujahideen… I’ve gone down so many different rabbit holes and investigations since my teenage years.


On the subject of films, another aspect of our media and their ties with the deep state is predictive programming, which people are now very familiar with. What do you think is the purpose of all the apocalyptic propaganda, ranging from civil war, cyber attacks and even annihilation?

Yeah, we talked about that Obama-produced movie I think you watched as well, Leave The World Behind. Certainly you could say that there is some game planning for cyber attacks, or shutdowns of the grid. But with movies it’s difficult, honestly, to say how much the predictive programming is rational, conscious, and how much of it is unconscious. And this is something people have to understand. Artists and creators operate more in the unconscious side. It’s intuitive. Take the film Pearl Harbor. Why did it come out in 2001, right before the 9/11 attacks? Was it really because the people that greenlit and developed the film knew that 9/11 was coming in September, so they wanted to release Pearl Harbor in summertime? I mean, that’s a question you have to ask, right? How much was it an intentional operation and how much was the making of Pearl Harbor and its release of intentionally timed before 9/11? Or, how much was it just the zeitgeist that the creators, the artists were picking up on and intuiting and basically saying, “Oh, this is a great time for Pearl Harbor to be made”.


It could very well have been deliberate, considering the Project for A New American Century’s statement on the opportunity of a “new Pearl Harbor”…

But who put that film together? Because putting a film together is not one person or a small group of people. It’s a large group of people. So who basically said, “Oh, we’re making Pearl Harbor to coincide with 9/11”. Who decided that? Or was that part of the collective unconscious?

That being said, when you watch a film like Back to the Future, you can recognize that there’s subliminal messaging around the World Trade Centers. When Marty arrives at Twin Pines Mall, it’s 1.16am. If you invert 1.16 or if you’re upside down, it’s 9/11. When he comes back from Twin Pines, when he comes back to the future, at one point in the two movies, it becomes one Pine Mall. So the two towers became the one tower. In the sequel, there’s literally the two towers on the television screen.

When Marty’s in the home with his father and his father’s inverted like the hanged man — which is the Tarot symbol — and if you look at the Twin Towers on the TV set from the father’s perspective, you would actually see on the TV that it looks like the tower is collapsing the way that it’s scrolling. The character of Biff is is like Trump, right? He becomes the president in that alternate reality. There’s all kinds of really Interesting things. Same with The Simpsons. The Simpsons episodes oftentimes have little predictions, or other Family Guy episodes that have little predictions, and you go, how much of this is maybe a technology, like a looking glass technology that can actually see the future that certain people have access to, and how much of this is just the unconscious tuning in to things, or a mixture of both?

It’s very difficult for me to say because I don’t have first-hand knowledge.


In your documentaries, Hollywood DC and A Century of War, and your latest series, Best Kept Secret, you uncover the ties between the media, entertainment industries, our governments, the military industrial complex, and pedophile rings. For those who have been looking into these dark realities for a while, it feels like the dam is breaking at the moment. What do you make of this shift of the Overton window, and loss of the mainstream media’s credibility consequently?

It’s a great thing. It’s exactly what needs to happen. As you know, when you’re going through the filmmaking process, or you’re hosting a show on a news channel, there are so many eyes that have to approve what gets shown to the masses. And if you say something that essentially contradicts the narrative or challenges the status quo, they stop inviting you if you’re a guest, or they cancel you. If you’re a Tucker Carlson, no matter how influential you might be, whether a filmmaker or a media personality, they’ll still cancel you. But thankfully, we’ve shifted to a place where Joe Rogan gets more viewership than most news programs. And even if Spotify were to cancel him, he could go independent and do his own thing, like Tucker, and still make money because of their direct connection to the audience. So we are freeing ourselves from the censorship and control apparatus that’s been there. We do not need to be programmed by a few personalities and networks like in the old days. The control was stronger in the beginning because there were only four networks and six studios or so. It was very difficult to get your voice out there. Now we’re in a place where it’s much easier, and this is obviously thanks to the internet the social media platforms. And even if a YouTube tries to censor it, spawns Rumble, and Bitchute, and Elon Musk buying Twitter, right? Whenever you try to censor, it actually just spawns more diversity.


Do you think they will try to shut down the internet temporarily?

I mean, you could imagine any number of things, whether it’s an EMP, a massive solar flare, a cyber attack, if they want to create one of those. But I don’t think that shutting down the internet will be achieved long term. I don’t think it fulfills any goal. The New World Order agenda, the real agenda of the ruling elite, has always been to rule the population. If they don’t have the internet, how can they rule? People would become even more democratic. What’s funny about that movie, Leave the World Behind, is how they destroy New York City, and I’m sitting there going, “New York doesn’t produce food.” The people that can actually produce food, that can actually have communities, that are more organic, those that are less centralized are going to thrive. It’s only the centralization that actually gets hurt. If you shut down the internet, it destroys your Amazons, your Apples, it destroys your entire major corporate culture.

The small organic farmers, the small businesses, the people that actually have communities, they don’t need the internet the same way that the global technocracy does.


Agreed. If they shut it down, it’ll be temporary. I see it more as a black swan event to implement a system where people will be required to sign up with their digital identification in order to use the internet. Before we get into the NWO, I have one more question about the film industry. As an actor growing up in Hollywood, how have you been able to protect yourself against these forces of corruption and degeneracy?

I actually didn’t grow up in Hollywood. My dad was more of an independent filmmaker, if you look at his track record. Aside from a few studio films with Warner Brothers, he was very much independent, always developing projects on his own. And because he had the influence of three Oscars, he could get a lot done compared to other genuine filmmakers. They had great trouble to really go independent after the culture shift by the late 90s with the takeover of the blockbuster culture. Up until then, studios were doing all size budgets, but by the late 90s it starts shifting to the blockbuster ethos. The ones that cost a hundred million dollars to make and you know will gross more than that. And then that gave birth by the 2000s, 2010s to movies going all-digital and CGI, the Marvel universe essentially focusing on tent poles that have built-in audiences, so it was a much more limited studio experience in that sense.

So I didn’t grow up in Hollywood in the way that some people did, whose parents worked for the studio or on the production side, because then you’re really in it in a more intimate way, whereas, my dad was making movies in Philippines, Thailand and New York, Dallas… very rarely in Los Angeles. I had a life in L.A., but more in a suburban kind of way. Going to school, focusing on sports, my studies, and then seeing filmmaking more from the production side, not the studio side of it. The studio side is more like the red carpet, the production, the post production, inside of the studio. You have to understand, the studio itself is an employer of thousands and thousands, if not tens of thousands of people, right? These studios and that system are much more controlled than filmmakers who are developing and making films that they then distribute through the studios.

It’s just a different understanding of how this thing works. So my dad has more familiarity with Hollywood than I do, but even he is still sort of considered an outsider and always has been.

On the other hand, there are so many people working within the system without you even knowing their names. Like in Washington. The deep state of Washington and the deep state of Hollywood. They are in bed together. There’s definitely evidence of that.


As you exposed in your documentaries, which I encourage readers to watch. In addition to your work in media, you’re also an author. Your book, New World Order, covers a topic I’m particularly passionate about, which is the intersection of U.S. history and the rise of the globalist system, which largely traces its roots back to Great Britain. I understand the book started life as your university thesis at Princeton? How did you first become interested in this subject?

Yes it was. I was studying a lot of the Executive Intelligence Review. They had done a lot of political, historical analysis and research, and I was reading a lot of people that came out of EIR, like William Engdahl, who wrote A Century of War, which became the loose basis for my documentary years later. Anton Chaikin, who wrote Treason in America. The Dope Inc. book, which was also an EIR production. So I was looking into all that stuff, and one of the people that they had written about was this guy, William Yandell Elliott, who was Henry Kissinger’s mentor, as well as Samuel Huntington. While doing my thesis work, I decided I would dive into the intellectual history of Eliott as their mentor. And as I dove into Elliott, it led me to information that he was groomed by what was basically the British roundtable groups. People that are familiar with Caroll Quigley’s work on the influence of the Roundtable know it was born essentially of the will of Cecil Rhodes, who literally declared he wanted to reincorporate Americans to the British Empire. Rhodes was very much a racist imperialist. Their modality of empire was to control the legal structures and the political structures of the world, as they realized England no longer had the manpower to garrison their Empire, which by the 20th century was a quarter of the planet. That’s a lot of ground to cover. So they became more ideological, and I was really setting out the ideological implications of how that imperialism was brought into America, and became part of our lifeblood by the turn of the century. Especially by the time of Woodrow Wilson and World War I.

It’s like America basically inherits the British Empire, right? That’s the understanding. How did that become our destiny, when it wasn’t our destiny as imagined by our Founding Fathers? That was a complete betrayal, not just to me but many people. It was a total betrayal of George Washington — who had warned against entangling alliances. A total betrayal of the entire vision of America being independent and the Monroe Doctrine. Quincy Adams and others said that we had to be protected against the imperialists. We didn’t want to pursue the imperialist policy. We wanted to be separate from that when we revolted against imperialism. That was the whole premise of our Revolution… and here we are basically adopting it, becoming it. So it’s an ugly path that people see now to this day. American imperialism has led to so much conflict and war for resources and division. Division of the planet with this philosophy that we have imperialist influence over so many countries and terrains, we have military bases all over, garrisoned to protect our so called interests — but in reality, it’s not the American people’s interest. It’s the imperial, elite, class’ interests.


As I’ve said previously, the entire 20th century was about transforming the U. S. into a vassal stateand into this army doing its rulers’ dirty work. We went from Pax Britannica to Pax Americana. Once in an interview a few years ago, President Trump asked, Why did we [the U.S.] become the policemen of the world?”, and why the U.S. became embroiled and lost all these wars… I actually believe that one of the deliberate consequences was to destroy the credibility of the U.S. on the world stage.

Exactly. I mean, what was the point of the Vietnam War? The ridiculousness of this domino theory, right? Somehow we were going to prevent communism from spreading, when in fact we had denied Ho Chi Minh the allegiance and the support that he sought back in World War I. Anyway, there’s a long analysis to be had. But I agree that the imperialists do not care about the strength of the American people, or military, or public. They basically seek conflict for resources. And oftentimes, those resources include drug-trafficking. That was a major aspect of the Vietnam War. There was oil involved on the coast of Vietnam. Oil reserves and other resources they were trying to exploit, not least the drug traffic of heroin through the Golden Triangle region. These are all big money-makers. Peter Dale Scott, who’s a wonderful historian, has done some great work, and one of his books, Guns, Drugs, and Oil is worth a read. We have to shift our perspective of why we are doing things, not to expect that the ruling elite are doing it because they actually care about the American people, or any people. Their allegiance is not to any country or to the people in the country. Their allegiance is to global order, essentially. And they can negotiate at that level, establishing rules and laws for trade and for commerce, tailored for their interests. Sometimes their interests align with the people and sometimes they don’t, but their allegiance is not to the people. Absolutely not.


Can you tell us about your involvement in a series spearheaded by your father, The Untold History of the U.S.?

Well, I worked with him on it as an associate editor. It ended up taking like four or five years for him, so I moved on, but I would say my biggest contribution was helping him to find the work of Elliott Roosevelt. He wrote about his views on his father, and why he — his father — clashed so much with Churchill on the imperialism issue. FDR was very much anti-imperialist, and according to Elliott was consistently arguing with Churchill and very much opposed to Churchill’s ideology. Fundamentally, Churchill was a major imperialist and probably racist, and just saw the white British Empire as God’s gift to the earth kind of thing. So I think a lot of my influence for that project was about my dad becoming suspicious of the British Empire, starting to recognize it in a way that a lot of the Left doesn’t. A lot of the liberal establishment, as we know, and as you mentioned, has been groomed by the British. And so both left and right tend to not really have any issue with the British. They’re happy to have a “special relationship”. And I think my dad came to realize that there was a nefarious aspect to this British empire that’s completely accepted, in a sense. Because they’re accepted as our continuous ally. And yet, look at the Iraq War as a great example of their duplicity. The Blair administration and MI6, all this feeding of the yellow-cake lies… A lot of things in terms of intelligence trace back to England.


What are your thoughts on the 2020 election steal?

Do I think it was stolen? Of course it was. It was completely manipulated. Very simply put, at the end of that evening on November 3rd, Trump had won. Then they stopped counting. I mean, I’ve never seen an election where they stopped counting. Never seen that. I remember in 2000, when I watched the Florida counts, they went all the way until very late into the night. And then they said, “Okay, we just don’t know what to do with these chads, how to count them” and so they set them aside, but they didn’t stop counting. In 2020, all of a sudden for the first time they decided that particular districts would be the only ones to stop counting… and then continued over the next few days, with plenty of time to manipulate. And they did, completely.


And based on that steal, there are Patriots sitting in the Gulag in DC as we speak. What are your thoughts on the increasing, blatant weaponization of the national security apparatus against U.S. citizens?

I was expecting it. I’m certainly not surprised by it. I remember, in 2011 or 2012, Obama’s Defense Authorization Act allowed American citizens to be permanently detained. That was a big red flag.

So were the assassinations of American citizens under Obama. One at least, to my recollection, was killed in Yemen by an Obama assassination team. A young man, I think he was underage, along with his father who was also an American citizen, were killed. They were accused of terrorism, and basically without a trial, were both assassinated while in Yemen. I remember Alex Jones and I calling for Obama to be impeached on those grounds back then.

So when you see things like this, there’s no surprise. Then again, the security state goes back to 2001 and the Patriot Act. The same principles, right. The government basically being able to overreach, with the creation of Homeland Security, and this vast intelligence apparatus that led to the illegal spying that to this day the government lies about and doesn’t acknowledge. I mean, it’s crazy. You get the whistleblowers like the Assanges, Snowdens, Mannings, and it just continues. It doesn’t stop the machine, the machine keeps going.


The way things are going, there might not even be an election in 2024. What do you think?

It’s possible that we might not. I just think that… Look, it’s Pluto’s return. It’s the end of that cycle. Pluto returning basically started in 2016. It’s supposed to be coming to its climax in 2024. So, I’m curious to see what happens next year.


What does it mean that Pluto returns?

Pluto’s return is an eight-year cycle and like I said, it started in 2016. The last time Pluto had its return phase was during the era of 1776 during the Revolution. Basically, Pluto is the dark side, it’s the underworld. Pluto is associated with death because it’s the farthest planet in our solar system. So it’s all about the shadow, bringing up shadow. When you bring out shadow, you escalate conflict, you escalate the revealing of hidden truths. Very powerful energies get stir stirred up with that cycle. It’s worth researching.


Could we use the term “crescendo” in terms of what to expect in 2024 with this energy?

Yeah. It should come to some kind of conclusion. The point is 2016 is when it starts, that’s the election of Trump. That’s huge division being escalated and clarified in America in particular, if not across the world. Obviously they have different experiences of it, but I think America is in many ways a reference for everyone. As they say, America captures the imagination of the world.


While there are many layers of obfuscation, it seems that those who own and control the central banks are towards the top of the pyramid. How far back have you been able to trace the history of our current monetary system?

I haven’t done the deep dive into how much our monetary system is still connected to old Babylonian mints, for example. To me, the ideology of the coin, especially in the United States, is that we were supposed to be based in gold and silver, according to the Constitution. That’s the only money, so everything that’s being printed now, which is totally divorced from gold and silver, it’s just promissory notes. It’s essentially being lent to the United States from the private bank that is the Federal Reserve. This is an old practice. Essentially, it’s usurious. It’s creating a system that cannot sustain itself, because it can’t pay for itself. And that’s the crisis we’re facing now.

So if you want to go into the origins of it, you have to obviously trace it back through the different experiences of empire, right? These private banks that, like the Bank of England for example, that were established and brought over I think from the Dutch. But they adopted it from the Venetians, and when you go back to Venice it takes you back to Rome, and then Rome to let’s say what they picked up from Babylon. It’s just an old lineage of private ownership of the wealth that is then lent to the people. So you’re creating these massive debt farms, and even the governments themselves are debtors to the predators. So that gets into this whole deeper exploration of war essentially being fought over control of economies, and people unwilling or unable to pay debts would basically have their assets seized and resources claimed. I mean, this is an old, old game. There’s also the spiritual implication of why, going back to the old time, the money was in the temple and you had god’s face on the coin. It was always this idea of the coin, essentially, belonging to god or some deity. But really, it’s the keepers of the temple. They’re the ones that are in charge of it. So there’s so much to go into when it comes to economics. It’s not really my forte, but I just like to look at the implications of understanding that there’s a spiritual side to money. Putting god’s face, or the deity’s face, on the coin, and as we know, money is energy, right? How much of this world is working and flowing because of money. Unfortunately, we’ve created systems where people are more interested in the money than in the energy behind it. And that’s what creates the corruption, when people are willing to do savage things to each other for money. It’s unconscionable.


The house of cards can no longer stand. There have been secret societies and cults since the dawn of antiquity that have insinuated themselves in government and empire. On a broad level, do you believe we are currently breaking from our elite’s manipulation and their control over humanity, finally?

Yes, we are. I think there’s an inevitability to it because of the new age that we’re entering, the Aquarian age. It’s not Piscean, for fish. We’ve been basically in a school kind of indoctrination for the last 2,000 years. Writing became an important aspect of control if you think about it, the legal systems were based in the written form, and we were able to create these massive empires that consistently enslaved people. Obviously with varying degrees of slavery. There was physical slavery. There was debt slavery. There was production for the benefit of a few as opposed to the majority. At the same time, this writing system that helped to create these empires and the legal systems and structures, got more democratized in the last few hundred years. You have people that have used those writing systems to create new codes, to create the computers and the internet, and tools like these that have enabled us to actually access more information than ever. Now we’ve shifted away from writing, and we’re going to continue to shift away from writing back into the more visual modalities. Kind of like hieroglyphics. I mean visuals, memes, videos, hearing the voice of people, feeling the energy of people. I wonder how writing, in some ways, may be relegated in the next 2,000 years. People won’t even use writing anymore. Or it will shift. Who knows how the language itself will shift with time? But as we enter this new age, we are basically moving out of the schooling system into now becoming the water bearers. We are now carrying the energy with us, through us. We are the people that are, as with social media, becoming our own stars. We are influencing others, perpetuating ideas and energy that influence and affect others. So the system can’t hold anymore. The idea of a centralized system in the face of this shift is impossible.


And so what does this new system look like? Do you have an idea, or a way of describing it? In the coming age, as you refer to it, of sovereignty on an individual level, how does that look like?

However you want it to look. It’s about people taking the power back; manifesting and recognizing that they are the co-creators of their reality, instead of just accepting someone else’s modality and someone else’s matrix system. You get to be the co-creator of your own system, your own way of living, your own energetics.


We’re so used to and grew up living in this grid or matrix. Living outside of it is a bit hard to envision.

Yes, it’s impossible to imagine unless you live it. You have to start to be more intuitive to energy. So my belief is that as we become more in tune with our energy, we realize that life is not just based in the structures that we believe give it continuity and consistency. It’s based on the discontinuity of the moment. That’s what quantum mechanics has been trying to tell us. That’s why one of the Nobel Prizes given most recently was around the idea that we are not in a real universe. It’s not real objectively, it’s real subjectively. Our subjective experience of the universe is what matters. It’s not local. Quantum effects can be felt across infinite distances. So we’re in a discontinuous universe, which is to say, the reality of the moment is the only reality reality that matters. What is real to you in this moment? What is the truth in this moment? And when you start to become more attuned to the moment, you start to become more attuned to what energy is arising, you can actually recognize yourself as the co-creator of this experience, instead of being subject to all the victim mentality that has been traumatizing humans for thousands of years. Because we can’t let go of the past, we all carry it around with us. No one wants to see the future, or even see what’s in front of them, because they’re all looking in the rearview mirror. You can’t drive a car looking in the rearview mirror, you have to see what’s in front of you, what’s present to you now. And that’s why these shifts are occurring in ways that are snapping people out of the trance. A lot of these big events, a lot of these revelations, it’s like snapping out of the trance. Belief structures are trances, they’re lies. They might be comforting, they might be empowering, but they’re not true.


It’s difficult when you’ve been trained to believe instead of being. What practical advice would you give to the readers of this interview?

Do the inner work.


In terms of the structures that we are familiar with, does this translate into building societies that go back to a more local form focused on our families and on our immediate communities?

No, it doesn’t have to be because the universe is not local. It’s non-local. My energy state is in resonance with people across this entire planet, like you and I thousands of miles away. We are manifesting an exchange in physical interaction, right? We don’t have to be in the same space. This whole notion of “only act local” is nonsense because our entire universe is local. Anything you can imagine is local. Anything you can imagine, is part of your consciousness. Anything you can perceive, is part of your consciousness. And so we can recognize the Universal. When you work on your consciousness, you’re affecting the only reality you know, which is your reality. There’s no other reality outside of your reality for you. You will never know anyone else’s reality. You will never engage with anyone else’s experience, anyone else’s consciousness. It will only be within your consciousness.


It’s impossible for any two beings to have the same exact sensation, feeling or emotion in a situation.

Exactly. So we’ve got to get past this. That’s the point. We’ve got to get past this idea of objective reality. Objective facts. The truth. The one truth. All these things. We have to embrace our experience of consciousness. And at the same time, realize that it’s so subjective that all we can do is work to perfect ourselves, which is really the Christ modality, right? And it’s not just Christ, obviously, you know, it’s the Buddha, it’s the Awakened One… It’s the ability to separate your lower ego from your higher self. And if we’re not doing that work, we’re just carrying all our shit into our consciousness, which is our reality, which then that’s what’s manifesting in the world. And it’s polluted.


What do you make of this weaponization of “your truth versus my truth”?

You know, there is some truth to that. There is truth to “your truth versus my truth”. But I don’t like the word truth, because truth to me is all encompassing. It’s greater than any of us can perceive. It’s like looking at the sun: none of us can even look at the Sun for more than a few seconds, right? How can you look at the truth? To me that’s like, how can you look at the face of God? It’s all the same, right? There’s my experience of this or that, or my belief system or evidence, evidence that leads me to this conclusion, right? But truth is relative.


What about morality?

Morality is relative. There are things that you could say are absolute. Yes, there is absolute morality, in terms of the execution, the termination, the killing of others. It’s absolutely immoral because you’re taking something. All crime is theft. So there are different degrees of theft, right? There’s like little theft, petty theft. There’s greater theft, the theft that actually hurts people. And then the greatest theft is the taking of life because that doesn’t belong to you. You didn’t create that life. You don’t get to take it away. So the moral spectrum to me is theft. And then there’s obviously the same moral spectrum when it comes to harming someone, but that’s relative as far as if you harm someone with a punch, or a slap or a verbal insult, and it may have been deserved. It doesn’t necessarily mean that karmically you’re unblemished by it. If I insult you and you deserve it, it may still affect me karmically because my energy body may say, “Well, That was mean of me and I shouldn’t have said that”. So there is a moral spectrum, but as I said, to me, the only moral spectrum we know that I would say is absolute is the taking of life and that can only be done in a no-choice situation. No choice for your survival, but then you’re at that level of just old survival dynamics of war, “I kill him before he kills me”. And that’s going to create trauma in your psyche. So even then, you’re not going to be unblemished.

And the whole point is that we want to clean our karma. We want to clean out the blemishes that are keeping us in trauma. So when we do harm to others, we’re also traumatizing ourselves. It’s a shared experience. And that’s why humans are walking around with so much shit. Because they’re not cleaning out their own trauma body to forgive themselves. And when you forgive and love yourself, and the more perfectly you forgive and love yourself, right, and respect yourself, the more perfectly you can forgive, love, and respect others. So, that’s my morality. It’s love thyself. Love thyself so that you can love your neighbor. You can’t love your neighbor until you love yourself.


Do you believe that we are, in the system, beholden to people who are purposefully inflicting trauma on us, so that we stay in a continued state of trauma?

There’s definitely an aspect of control there. That was the basis of my Best Kept Secret series, about how I see the cabal, the elite trying to control others. But if you think about it psychologically, anyone who is trying to control others just doesn’t even know how to control themselves. And so they try to feed on others, because if you’re hungry, you have to eat. And if you’re energetically depleted or you have no inner energy, if your soul is depleted, you need the soul of others as your energy source. You need the love of others because you don’t have love for yourself, you need the attention of others because you don’t give yourself enough respect and love. So it all goes back to self-love. That’s the only way to win.


It requires hard work to get to that point.

Not hard, but it’s work. It’s a conscious endeavor, encompassing so many things of your childhood, your education, how your parents were, your family structure. The different beliefs that you were given, false belief systems, false operating systems, all these things, all these stories that people tell themselves, such as “I’m not good enough unless I succeed”… “I can only succeed if I make a hundred thousand dollars or more a year.” You name it, right? I mean, all these false operating systems. “I can only be loved if I work hard.” I’m just giving examples, but there’s an infinite list of these operating systems. It is the programming that you inherit from your family, your parents, your environment you need to de-program.


I’ve heard you speak about satanism in different videos and interviews. What does that word mean to you?

Well, there are different ways of practicing satanism. There’s materialism, extreme materialism, which usually is connected to atheism. That’s satanic because if you don’t even believe in a higher power, that’s already on the path of satanism. If you’re agnostic, but you’re still a morally, ethically good person that’s fine, but if you’re a materialist who basically only believes in worldly power and gain, and is willing to do anything to get there, that’s satanic. That’s a philosophical orientation. People like Yuval Harari, I would say, are satanic. I don’t know if he’s practicing satanism, but essentially, he’s a satanist. What he says is satanic. The, you know, “We are evolved from monkeys”, or “God is an invention of humans”, “There is no free will”. All of that is satanic. Then there’s the blank slate concept, there’s no soul. There’s a blank slate, so whatever we put on the blank slate, that’s what you churn out. Sort of like everyone’s just a computer, right? That’s the satanic philosophy. Then there’s the spiritual occultists, who actually practice satanism. And they actually believe in maybe God or higher powers, but they work with those spirits for their own advancement. They don’t look at it for the collective well-being. They look at it from their agenda of gaining power and control over other humans. So there’s two different paths to satanism, I think. There’s the materialist satanist who may not even believe in Satan or anything like that, but it’s just basically against the goodness of the universe and natural order and God and God-created order. Then there’s the actual people who practice the occult arts and work with spirits and demons for their own empowerment. These are the same people that we were talking about a bit earlier, that feed on others for their own gain.


You have said that your aim is to help elevate consciousness. Can you expand and tell us about your work in this sphere?

Everything I do is in that sphere, whether it’s my documentaries, my writing, my interviews, it’s just what I am. That’s just what I am, and what I’m doing. It’s like my Dharma, you could say. More information about me and my work can be found at, that’s the best place.


If you can leave us with one last thought, what would you say are your hopes for humanity?

That we awaken to our true potential.

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