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Infiltration Won’t Work

Josiah Lippincott

Infiltration Won’t Work

Perhaps there is among you one of those human types who can successfully enter the belly of the monkeypox-infested bureaucratic bunkhouse — cloaking your true thoughts and beliefs for years as you slowly scramble atop the pile of HR maneaters, DMV ladies on break, and drooping manboobed administrators that make up the modern state — in order that you, at the right moment, may strike a blow for truth and justice.

Such a man is rare.

At the very least, I do not believe it can be model for the right-wing as a whole, specifically for those who lack the requisite nature for such a task. We always are who we are. We must work with what we have. The American Right is filled with those, like me, who are descendants of Scots-Irish, German, and Anglo settlers: all groups that are notoriously bad at spying, doubletalk, and lying.

It does not help that America’s institutions are virtually invulnerable from internal hostile takeover. When I hear talk of trying to infiltrate institutions, parties, etc., I am deeply skeptical. The idea of making the FBI friendly to the Right or the New York Times not gay, sounds as believable as Russians successfully conspiring to make the Red Army fascist in the 30s or turn Pravda into a hotbed of reactionary sentiment. The “system” under which we live — the vast bloated human resources bureaucracy that governs the earth — will not allow such a thing. That is by design. This giant administrative biomass prevents any kind of accountability to the public.

The death of the unitary executive in American political life is a clear example of this phenomenon. Virtually every city in America, for instance, uses some version of the “manager-council” mode of government. The office of mayor, insofar as it exists at all, is generally a functionary with little real power to hire and fire employees or to enforce the law.

For instance, in my own town of Hillsdale, Michigan, the city manager is unelected and makes well over $100,000 a year. He has a contract that keeps him in power for nearly a decade. The city council, on the other hand, while elected, has no meaningful salary and faces constant turnover. The bureaucracy — the manager, clerks, lawyers, etc. — are a faction unto themselves. To give one example, the city council prohibited the recreation department from buying an ice cream machine for the local park snack stand. To do this, they ruled that all transactions over $10,000 had to be voted on by the city council. So, the recreation bureaucrats simply split the purchase of the machine into two transactions and bought it anyway.

All of American life is like this at every level of power. In Michigan, the Governor, Attorney General, and Secretary of State are all elected positions. We have a tripartite executive in which there is no final accountability for the enforcement of the laws. When I was in the Corps, I never once saw the battalion commander come down to the offices of the lower echelons. He was always in meetings, always busy, always somewhere else. When Biden says he did not know of the Mar-a-Lago raid, I believe him. The only decision he is allowed to make each day is about what flavor pudding cup he gets for lunch. Make no mistake, Donald Trump was in a similar boat. When he ordered American troops to leave Syria, the Pentagon went into revolt. One must not also forget the coup after January 6, in which members of Congress and the Joint Chiefs of Staff worked together to prevent Trump from exercising his lawful authority.

Alexander Hamilton describes the Presidency in The Federalist: “Energy in the Executive is a leading character in the definition of good government.” He goes on to argue that the qualities of energy are unity of powers, duration in office, adequate provision for personal support, and possession of competent powers.

This type of office does not exist today and this is intentionally so.

The Founders’ vision of American government was manly and assertive. This is why they speak of energy, unity, strength, and power. The modern deep state, though powerful, is feminine and passive-aggressive. It lacks unity and energy precisely in order to thwart a potential takeover by a man of strength and vision. It is stultifying and bloated on purpose.

Infiltration of this system by manly and assertive young men is almost certain to be unsuccessful. These types will be shunted aside, pressured, and ground to dust wherever possible. I saw this in my own time in the Marine Corps. The Corps shuffles officers and personnel around constantly. Every two or three years one can expect another “Permanent Change of Station,” ostensibly intended to encourage a “broad range of career experience” but more importantly, to prevent the formation of tightly knit units loyal to strong leaders.

Though a competent officer, well-liked by many of my peers, and strictly professional with my superiors, I was “not right” for the institution. They could smell it on me. I was, for instance, forced to submit to multiple “talking tos” from higher ranking officers. One complaint — lodged by a morbidly obese enlisted female Marine who felt I had smirked at her — ended with an hour-long meeting with said female Marine in which her commander, a Major, concluded by insisting to me that though he couldn’t prove I had done anything wrong (I hadn’t), it was important to ensure that she felt “listened to” because this was a “new Marine Corps.”

Every institution in American life is spiritually gay.

The only solution is to clear the ground — to “deconstruct” the system, as the post-modernists say, and start over. Christopher Rufo gave a wonderful talk at Hillsdale College this past year entitled “Laying Siege to Our Institutions.” This is the right mindset.

We cannot save our corrupt regime from the inside. The Right does not have the personnel, time, or unity of purpose to stage its own decades-long march through the institutions. Instead, we must actively work to undermine their legitimacy and purpose — especially when it comes to those organs that act as the sword and shield of the regime. The FBI is the enemy. The Pentagon is the enemy. The NSA is the enemy.

The liberal ruling class depends on white men with guns to secure itself. It is imperative that we deny it access to this crucial resource. Demoralization propaganda and spiritual warfare in the public square are critical to this effort. We must make it so that the toadies of the regime face constant embarrassment and mockery everywhere they turn. The work of the anons on Twitter and elsewhere is of the utmost importance in this regard.

There is a place, too, for those like me, Christopher Rufo, and others who write openly under their own name. There are dangers, of course. It is much easier to corrupt a man with money and honor when you know his name. But the men of the Right should not reflexively fear to associate themselves with right-wing principles in public. The costs of explicitly identifying oneself as a “true patriot” and “radical moderate centrist,” as I consider myself, are not intrinsically prohibitive.

I believe in the need for a return of industry at home, an end to the empire abroad, and dramatic cuts to immigration. I think the government should outlaw genital mutilation of children and crack down on violent crime. These are explicitly right-wing positions, yes, but they are also popular positions. I do not fear associating myself with them.

Infiltration is of the utmost difficulty, but outright assaults on the weak points of the ideological front can work well. Donald Trump’s campaign in 2015 is the model. He may not have been able to govern effectively but the blow he struck in the spiritual war was of the utmost importance.

Boldly stating the truth is an aristocratic trait.

I am not suggesting that this openness is a model for everyone on the Right. Nor am I suggesting that young men should not go to college or get a high-paying or influential job if it is available. But we also should not delude ourselves. The pressing task is not to infiltrate the institutions or to grift off them, but to bring them down. A man who depends on a thing for his livelihood creates an incentive for himself not to work for its destruction.

It is simply in the nature of many young men to work hard, even when such work is not good. Men who have been bred for generations to hold duty and truthfulness in the highest regard will find it hard not to empower the very system that desires to destroy them. Their conscientiousness is a weakness.

The Interahamwe Left and its murderous rhetoric is a global threat that is becoming more openly radical. It is necessary for some to oppose them in the open and for others to work from the shadows — but all must aim for the same target.

Strength, friendship, and discipline are far greater assets in this spiritual fight than credentials, degrees, and corner offices. It is not necessary for the Right to sit in the seat of power in order to undermine it. Iron is more important than gold. In our time, friendship, strength, and manly virtue are more needed than money and access. The real source of power lies not within the regime, but outside it.

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