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Raw Egg Nationalist

The Savage Art of Gouging

The Savage Art of Gouging

Essay by Raw Egg Nationalist | For ordinary folk, the savage violence they were prepared to unleash on one another was, in a very obvious sense, simply a reflection of the broader violence and hardship of daily life, especially on the frontier. Life in the backwoods usually meant poverty, certainly in monetary terms

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Fully Automated Luxury Agonism

Fully Automated Luxury Agonism

Essay by Raw Egg Nationalist | In a future agonal state, we might expect to see emerge men whose cruelty and thirst for vengeance and self-exaltation will outstrip any Miltiades of the past, and perhaps even the greatest despots of history so far. Their campaigns of annihilation will stretch across the planet, the solar system, and maybe even beyond

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I’m Afraid You’ve Misjudged Me

I’m Afraid You’ve Misjudged Me

Film Review by Raw Egg Nationalist | In a democratic age, where equality is the highest value and the general creep, for that reason, is ever leftwards, there’s an inherent danger to any depiction of characters who possess singular strength and virtue

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What BAP Didn’t Learn from Feminism

What BAP Didn’t Learn from Feminism

Essay by Raw Egg Nationalist | What Costin Alamariu and BAP present us with is not a “myth of matriarchal history”, but a deep theory about the relationship between forms of life, between what BAP calls “descending” and “ascending” life, and the root of their differences in biology

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1200 630
Caveat Twittor

Caveat Twittor

Essay by Raw Egg Nationalist | There are people out there who want to ruin your life. They’re watching you. And if you’re not careful they will ruin your life

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Pizza Boy

Pizza Boy

Fiction by Raw Egg Nationalist | “Pizza Boy” is an exclusive extract from After the War: Stories from the New Regime, a collection of short stories..

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The Ultimate Shit Test

The Ultimate Shit Test

Essay by Raw Egg Nationalist | It’s almost inevitable when we’re attempting to explain complex phenomena, including complex social phenomena, that we look to the most..

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The Longhouse Delusion

The Longhouse Delusion

Essay by Raw Egg Nationalist | Strike while the iron is hot. I have no idea where this proverb first originated, but its wisdom is clear..

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In Conversation with Raw Egg Nationalist

In Conversation with Raw Egg Nationalist

Interview with Raw Egg Nationalist | REN, you’ve been at the forefront of denouncing impoverished diets and the various poisonous chemicals that are found in our..

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1200 630
Beyond the Wall

Beyond the Wall

Essay by Raw Egg Nationalist | The agricultural revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life..

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1200 630
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