The Clinical Approach
Modern medicine has come to be the state religion of the kleptocratic blob of castrati that run our political institutions and cultural organs. It is a weird blend of transhumanism in ideology and nihilistic materialism in reality. The transhumanist dream was “Better Living Through Chemistry”. But the better life never materialized. The chemistry resulted in disease, deformity, and derangement. A population that is sicker than it has ever been, as the false god of technology has been foiled at every turn by the warrior angel that guards the gates of Eden, forever separating man from the Tree of Life. What has developed in practice is nihilistic materialism, with wealth, not health, as the prime mover of the bio-medical establishment.
Write a script, get them in and out as quickly as possible, squeeze as much as you can out of their insurance or Medicare, update their chart to say “deceased”. Repeat. There are many good doctors in this country, and many more who start out that way. But it’s a brutal, corrupt system that turns many promising young med school graduates into shadows of their former selves. You either die a hero, or you practice medicine long enough to see yourself become the villain. Being a good doctor in America is like being a drop of bleach in a sewer. Except in this sewer the rats can complain to hospital administrators if you tell them that they’re obese.
Medical error is the third-leading cause of death, directly killing over 250,000 Americans per year1. And that was before Covid-19, which has been marked by a massive number of patients dying because of proper therapeutic treatment withheld or improper treatment given, in particular the widespread and destructive use of mechanical ventilation.
But aside from error, many common medical treatments are iatrogenic even when followed exactly according to protocol. Rather than addressing the root causes of Type II diabetes (insulin resistance), it’s not uncommon for doctors to prescribe a steadily increasing dosage of insulin (only appropriate for Type I diabetes) which inevitably results in amputation, blindness, and finally death. All for a disease that can addressed with diet and exercise. Many patients contribute to this insanity through their own refusal to make even the most rudimentary lifestyle changes. Many doctors just give up trying.
There is shockingly widespread ignorance of some of the most basic physiological systems. A depressing number of general practitioners don’t know the first thing about the role of cholesterol in the body, or the basic functions of the endocrine system. There are also mad doctors running amuck. They’ve moved on from lobotomies to castrating young boys and calling the axe wound where their genitals used to be a “vagina”. In the Los Angeles County School System, it was recently revealed that some pubescent boys were given estrogen pills without their parents’ knowledge by the school medical staff in hopes that it would “curb their aggression”. They grew female breasts.
The clinical approach is simple enough: Focus on what works in practice. Be proactive. Empower and encourage patients to take their healthcare into their own hands. Set up a roadmap for health that has actions and goals for the short-term, medium-term, and long-term. Use studies as a research tool, but know how to read them and what their limitations are. Take nothing for granted and keep an open mind. Use your experience as a guide and don’t overspecialize. Aim for optimal and not just sufficient. And never let yourself get tunnel vision by ignoring the interdependence of physiological systems.
One of the common features of modern medicine in the Covid-19 pandemic has been the insistence of practitioners on proving a theoretical mechanism of action before using it. This would be understandable in the case of treatments with significant side effects, but this complaint is seen even when patients seek prescriptions for treatments with a good safety profile. A friend recently showed me his doctor’s reply to his request for an ivermectin prescription. Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic drug most commonly used in the United States for the treatment of head lice. It has also had impressive clinical results in the treatment of Covid-19. This doctor refused to fill out the prescription, on the grounds that “the serum levels achieved with Ivermectin may not be adequate to suppress the virus replicase”. No matter that study after study has confirmed Ivermectin’s ability to lower the severity and mortality of Covid, there are questions around how it does this so we’re going to deny you access to treatment. I say if it works in practice, and you’re confronting a life-threatening disease, just do it.
Proactivity is another distinction of this approach. Instead of the conventional way Covid-19 is being treated — take Advil for the fever and go to the hospital when you can’t breath — this approach calls for fighting the invading virus early and aggressively on the beaches, denying it the foothold it needs to mount a full invasion. When something threatens your health, you need to mount a shock and awe counteroffensive. This doesn’t mean that we go nuts and attack wildly, but that we have a disciplined and aggressive mindset, following our plan of action with discipline and focus. We have to move past this dynamic of active providers and passive patients, to a new dynamic in which the doctor is a good general and the patient is a good soldier. The tasks are different, but both are disciplined and relentlessly focused on defeating the enemy. The best general in the world can’t win a war unless he has good soldiers, and the best soldiers in the world can’t win a war with crappy generals. I can’t keep you from dying of heart disease or diabetes if you can’t keep yourself from going to McDonalds.
Modern medicine focuses on symptoms, which is not bad in and of itself — these are usually of the most pressing immediate concern — but in practice tends to exclusively focus on the symptoms. Functional medicine addresses the causes, and if you catch it in time this is generally sufficient. But this usually goes out the window in acute/emergency cases, in which the patient is thrown into the modern medicine paradigm. The clinical approach involves using functional medicine to build a strong base level of health and treat diseases where the progression is slow enough to allow for this, but also improving on symptomatic treatment to buy patients and providers time to work on root causes. In other words, by all means put a band-aid on a bullet wound if a band-aid is all you have and you need to stop the bleeding, but this has to be followed up with a better long-term fix. In Covid for instance, serum levels of PUFA are indicated in disease severity and mortality. Functional medicine would indicate a programme of PUFA elimination by removing PUFAs from the diet, and those who have already done that will have improved their odds greatly already. But this is a process that can take up to four years to fully realize. So a patient who has been cooking with vegetable oil up until last week will need a stopgap, fortunately we have some — the clinical approach would indicate early and aggressive treatment with therapeutic agents like aspirin and niacin that temporarily lower the levels of serum PUFAs (in the case of niacin, only the immediate release nicotinic acid form of niacin will do the job — it is one of the single most effective treatments for improving a patient’s cholesterol profile, but non-flushing niacin is inefficacious).
Flexibility is another key distinguishing feature of what I’m advocating. Too often doctors fall into the trap of received wisdom. For years they’ve given bad advice like “don’t eat more than two egg yolks a day or you’ll get heart disease” because they’ve heard it from eminent public health institutions and professionals. So much is repeated without anyone bothering to investigate if it’s true or not. We do things because that’s how they are done. Case closed. The education of a good doctor is never complete but is an ongoing process. Keeping your eyes, ears, and mind open is essential to this. Learn to recognize patterns. Research what you take for granted and test your assumptions. As you gain experience, you’ll learn what to keep and what to discard.
Fitness and nutrition are something of an afterthought among conventional practitioners and it’s no wonder why: most patients lack the interest and the will to follow a proper exercise and nutrition regimen. It doesn’t fit with their experience with doctors or expectations of what it takes to correct a health issue. Decades of Big Pharma marketing has left the masses with the impression that if a problem develops, there’s a pill for it. Even among the fitness community, health is a secondary consideration. Most people don’t work out to improve health, but in order to get hotter or boost athletic performance. Which is a noble goal — I encourage this — but I know many men and women who have let themselves go after marriage, at precisely the worst time: their childbearing years. The quality of your fitness and nutrition have a major impact on your fertility, your children’s health, and whether you’ll be around to see your grandchildren. This is one area where I think we’re actually seeing a lot of positive development. More and more people are coming to see health as a matter of personal initiative and not something you just leave up to the medical system. With better patients there will be more demand for good doctors, which we are already seeing in the increased availability of non-surgical, nonpharmaceutical therapies and practitioners. The task before us is to grow our movement among clinicians and the public, and to take on the entrenched special interests and medical establishment by mocking, humiliating, and subverting them. Someone should moon Fauci.