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The Officer Reflects Upon His Failed Mission

Alex Riddle

The Officer Reflects Upon His Failed Mission

Had we done everything we could, the day

would not have turned out as it did, would not

have ended with the providential shot

straight through the warp and weft of that array.


Had we but done our jobs, there would not stand

th’immortal image of the wounded man

the half-inverted flag beside the fist

upraised, at once a call to arms and itself


victory. But our failure to act

meant something else: we serve a greater lord,

a higher cause, not of our own accord

but according to a predetermined track.


So providence bends all to serve its will

just as it bent the bullet from the kill.

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MAN’S WORLD is now available, for the very first time, as a high-quality printed magazine. Across 200 glorious pages, you’ll find everything that made the digital magazine the sensation that it was – the best essays, the most brilliant new fiction, interviews, art, food, sex, fitness – and so much more.

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