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Red Meat, Red Blood and Pure Americana

Red Meat, Red Blood and Pure Americana

The American patois of the twentieth century was born in the pulps. More specifically, the common language was born in pulp magazines like Black Mask and Dime Detective Magazine. There, in between flimsy, pulp wood paper advertisements for correspondence courses and vril-inducing pills, hardboiled detectives like Dashiell Hammett’s Continental Op or Frederick Nebel’s Cardigan duked it out with gangsters and gun molls, all the while keeping as cool as can be with endless glasses of hard liquor.

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Towards an understanding with Ned Flanders

Towards an understanding with Ned Flanders

Ned Flanders is a personality type any kind of right-wing movement has to deal with. They’re nerds who marry other nerds, or are in some subculture consisting of remnants of a past society at least somewhat preserved, such as the Mormons.

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A Vitalist Christianity? Don’t Bet on It.

A Vitalist Christianity? Don’t Bet on It.

It’s impossible to think about the future of Western civilisation without thinking about Christianity. Even now, whatever the present state of Christianity in all its various shapes and rainbow colours, there’s no escaping its continuing influence on every aspect of Western life and thought. If Westerners we be, then Christians we be too. It’s that simple.

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Dispatches from Inside the Classroom

Dispatches from Inside the Classroom

Essay by Georgia | The failure of schools is public knowledge at this point, regardless of whether or not the public chooses to acknowledge it

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The Anti-Human Death Cult

The Anti-Human Death Cult

Essay by T.J. Harker | Musk, despite his faults, reminds us that we can lift our gaze to the profound and enduring mystery and be inspired. That we don’t have to live a small and meaningless life defined by a narrow focus on ourselves and our petty appetites

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The Weaponization of Words

The Weaponization of Words

Essay by Adam Johnston | The threat of heightened censorship hangs menacingly over Europe, Canada, Brazil, and even the United States

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The Conformist

The Conformist

Essay by J.W. Horan | The new conformity is not fascist. Perhaps things would be better if it were. Anything is better than conforming to the pious neuroses of weak, defective men like Bernardo Bertolucci

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Only Men Can Man the Barricades, pt.1

Only Men Can Man the Barricades, pt.1

Essay by T.J. Harker | The West has become so inured to the idea that girls and women can and should do anything, that we simply take for granted that doing so will redound to their advantage. It hasn’t and it won’t

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Sumo: A Sport Against Time

Sumo: A Sport Against Time

Essay by Woland | Sumo cannot help being a lightning rod; it is too pure

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In Search of Venus

In Search of Venus

Essay by Stone Age Herbalist | Stone Age Herbalist leads us on a journey into the darkest depths of mankind’s history to make sense of the mysterious Venus figurines

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Man’s World in Print

MAN’S WORLD is now available, for the very first time, as a high-quality printed magazine. Across 200 glorious pages, you’ll find everything that made the digital magazine the sensation that it was – the best essays, the most brilliant new fiction, interviews, art, food, sex, fitness – and so much more.

Man’s World in Print

MAN’S WORLD is now available, for the very first time, as a high-quality printed magazine. Across 200 glorious pages, you’ll find everything that made the digital magazine the sensation that it was – the best essays, the most brilliant new fiction, interviews, art, food, sex, fitness – and so much more.

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Here at Man’s World, we’re always looking for new contributors to dazzle, inform and amuse our readership, which now stands in the hundreds of thousands. If you have an idea for an article, of any kind, or even a new section or regular feature, don’t hesitate to get in contact via the form below.

Generally, the word limit for articles is 3,000; although we will accept longer and (much) shorter articles where warranted. Take a look at the sections in this issue for guidance and inspiration.

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